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The Raiding Wizard's Handbook - V.2.0

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Joined: 03 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 1:13 pm    Post subject: The Raiding Wizard's Handbook - V.2.0 Reply with quote

The Raiding Wizard's Handbook - Version 2.0


This is an updated version of a guide written in November of 2008. Last Updated: July 2009

The purpose of this guide is no different than the purpose of a good raid leader: To bring out all of your potential. Wizards rely on a series of concepts to make potential into reality. Unfortunately, many such concepts are lost in a clutter of numbers and percentages. This guide aims to make sense of them for you.

To begin, freshen your mind to some of the concepts. A wizard is to, beyond all else, do as much damage as quickly as possible while attempting to never be completely out of mana until the fight is complete. It is prerequisite that a wizard be aggressive toward this goal --- That they be downright competitive. When a battle is ready to ensue, do you feel excited? Remember why you began to play this class, or at least why you continue to: You want to do damage. As much of it as you can. You must experiment and push yourself. Set goals for yourself in all things --- Especially in parses, with regard set aside to making it without doing anything to jeopordize the raid's success. Even if you don't meet the goal, you still come out on top, because it means you tried as hard as you could. The harder you try, the better the raid does. The better the raid does, the better you do.

Finally, you must realize that there are infinite ways to do a lot of burst damage, yes, but there are very limited ways to do a lot of damage over a long period of time for this class. There ARE wrong ways of doing things. Some wizards seem to believe they can randomly nuke until out of mana and that means they've done the best they can. Wizardry is an art, and a science.

Here are some compiled "right ways" that will hopefully help somebody.

Author's Note/Disclaimer:

I make no claim that the methods I've described are the only ways to use your maximum potential. The quest for the best methods to DPS is ongoing and you never know when stuff will be nerfed.

To get the most out of this guide I would suggest you skim as little as possible. But obviously some people are going to know all of this, so whatever.

This has been written in a way that assumes people know what the AAs I mention do, assumes the person does not have a lot of raid experience, assumes that people are level 85, and also assumes they have a mana pool of at least 20k. Hopefully it will inspire you on what AAs to get next if you don't already have the ones mentioned.

Now then.

The Method to the Madness ---- Spell Lineup and Usage

First of all, a point of note is that this setup assumes that you'll be doing mostly long (2 min+ duration) fights and do not necessarily have a 40k mana pool.

Wildmagic is KEY. A LOT of wizards do not have Wildmagic Burst (Level 76) because they do not know how to get it. Yes, you must have both the 76 and the 81 one.

The easiest way to obtain this spell (76 one) is by killing Vampires in the Vampire Caves in Loping Plains (unless you've completed the Soulbleeder raid; keep reading). It is the cave directly southeast of the Hills of Shade zoneline. In SoF, specific rank 1 spells can only drop in certain places, but almost all of them have a single spot where they will drop phenomenally more often than anywhere else. The Vampires of LP are your only chance to get this spell unless you farm the faction for rank 2 (guh) OR have all prerequisites for rank 3.

To get rank 3 you must have completed the raid Bimbalicus the Soulbleeder, and have the following Hills of Shade tasks completed:

Making Up for Lost Time
I Would Exhume So
The Power of Decay
One of Our Own
Recoup from the Coop (Bertox)
The Perfect Omelette
Cartographical Nightmare
Bigger, Faster, Stronger, Dumber

You must keep your TWO highest-level Wildmagic spells up at the same time, as well as your TWO highest-level Ethereal Fire spells. (The only exception is the event that you don't have Wildmagic Burst, but you have Strike and Blast - then you could use Ethereal Combustion + Conflagration but you won't do as well that way. You just need to pick Ethereal spells of the correlating level to which Wildmagics you're using.) If you do not do this, you'll be lucky to do very well on long fights.

Wildmagic is a wizard's greatest spell line: It can crit nearly 20k for ~300 mana after preservations. Better yet, its cast time is 0.8 seconds, and multiple spells of the same line are not recast-linked, so you can chain cast them indefinetly (and you'll never run out of mana). This alone puts out a significant amount of damage, but more importantly, it will set off your Gifts of Mana like firecrackers. This means you are able to cast Ethereal spells, your biggest damage ability, very often in comparison to using other spells. Beyond that, you'll also get a ton of Mana Reiteration procs from it if an enchanter is in your group, which can add a rather astounding amount of damage over time.

You must always be careful to note which type of Gift of Mana just went off. You must remember that you are going to be using two different level ranges of spells. It can get confusing if you're not used to it. This is an optimal spell lineup:

1) Wildmagic Burst
2) Ethereal Incineration
3) Wildmagic Blast
4) Ethereal Combustion
5) Flashblaze
6) Serene Harvest
7) Twincast
8) Concussive Blast
9) Ethereal Iceblight

So, you're pairing up your level ranges on the top. 80, 80, 85, 85. If Wildmagic sets off Gift of Mana you just have to click right below it to use it with the correct Ethereal nuke. Easy. Painless. Well, not for the mob.

Velly sez, "Obviously if the fight isn't THAT long and you do have a big mana pool you don't have to keep doing this. You DO want to spend all of your mana by the end of the fight as a general rule, but this assumes the desire for maximum efficiency. These days a high-mana wizard can safely largely ignore Wildmagic Burst on fights under, eh, five minutes, but find what works for you. Tips on knowing what to do when can be found later in this document."

Example of Above (Just In Case): If Gift of Amazing Exquisite Radiant Mana (What in the world is it going to be called at 90? They're really running low on adjectives.) goes off when you cast Ethereal Combustion as an example, don't wait for the gem to pop again to recast it. Go straight for the lower level Ethereal nuke. Say it then procs Gift of Exquisite Radiant Mana. You obviously can't use it, the lower level GoM, on your level 85 nukes, so take advantage of that. Immediately hit Wildmagic Blast again, and you'll still have your GoERM, so then hit the now-refreshed Ethereal Incineration again. Repeat as needed.

Why is all this confusing stuff necessary? Because of the ABSOLUTE most important part about being a great sustained caster damage dealer: You must never stop casting even for a second. Even milliseconds add up. If you're REALLY trying to squeeze in all you can get, there can be no waiting involved. Keep clicking.

Using instant nukes on anything except trash mobs is not that great, usually. Instant nukes are indeed grand on trash, but on the main targets they're usually more of a mana sink than anything. Their ratio is exactly half the mana and half the damage as spells of the Ethereal line. Their speed becomes fairly moot on something with millions of hp. (I concede my stance is more of an opinion than anything.)

In the event BURN is called, use your judgement on what to do. You can chain-cast Ethereals as long as you're prepared for the fact it's going to cost a lot. I'll touch on burn strategies in a bit.

Twincast has a five minute refresh time. Each person utilizes it differently but I've found that the best thing to do is when you engage a main raid target, use Silent Casting (Hopefully you have it maxed!) and then Twincast away. You won't gank aggro, and best of all, if the fight lasts longer than 5 minutes your Twincast will be up again at the end of the fight for the final burn.

Twincast is best used with very high-damage nukes. Your options will be listed in the Burn Strategies section.

Serene Harvest should be used as often as possible when not able to nuke. Note that last part. Harvesting mid-fight is, generally, BAD. Tried and absolutely true, the 18 seconds you lose harvesting in the middle of a mob is 18 seconds you're not nuking and you'll be using most if not all of the mana you just harvested trying to compensate for those 18 seconds.

If you know there's about to be a 20 second pause where you don't need to cast anything and you're not full mana, hit a harvest or two (or three! With Forceful Rejuvination).

Assuming you'll go straight to more trash plowing after an event in some raid scenarios, it's not a bad idea to use harvest if it's up right after the event is won.

Boss Combat Tip

An important rule of thumb useful for events which require the death of a main target is to keep your mana pool near the boss's health pool. Doing this isn't crucial, but it can be helpful for standard fights. Obviously many exceptions apply, such as burn time, if you'll be able to harvest mid-fight, etc, but loosely following the guideline helps assure that you don't run out of mana too early, or too late to burn it all.

Regulating mana based on health assures that you'll be out of mana right on time (on the win), which is a primary objective of any fight that you're performing a DPS role in. Wildmagic's inexpensiveness is awesome for mana regulation before or after a burn.

When DPS burn is called on a boss, if the boss is fairly low in health you can do your burn routine until 20% mana depending on how things are going and then finish out the fight chaining Wildmagics. You'll have enough mana left to use Ethereal nukes anytime GoM procs, and can dump any leftovers below 10% of its life.

Which Activated AAs Are (Very) Good To Have And When To Use Them

Max Improved Familiar and (less important!) Ro's Flaming Familiar
Max Silent Casting AND Hastened Silent Casting to go with it.
(If you have a Kiss or Staunch) Frenzied Devastation 3
Fury of Ro
First and Second Spire of Arcanum (Third's kind of moot with the Wildmagic strat. We DPS burn, we don't need no weeniewuss mana pres.)
Group Perfected Invisibility
Pyromancy (Low priority but one day you won't have an enchanter and the DoT/Fire debuff for the whole raid to enjoy is lovely.)
Harvest of Druzzil 3 and Quickened Harvest of Druzzil
Force of Will

Non-Basic non-activated important AAs:

Max Quick Damage (I can't believe some wizards don't have this maxed.)
Spellcasting Reinforcement Mastery (It increases Twincast duration to 23 seconds vs. the typical 18.)


- Improved Familiar should be used 99% of the time. It adds 18% to crits at max rank, 1500 mana pool, 18 mana regen, reduces fizzle rate, and just for posterity a bunch of resists and see invis.

- Ro's Flaming Familiar should only be used during the use of FRENZIED DEVASTATION, during a very hard burn in which you have some sort of significant mana recovery on-hand. The fights in which you can do this are generally extremely limited these days, but use of Ro's + FD + Second Spire is the absolute pinnacle of wizard DPS. It's just very unsustainable, so low priority.

- Fury of Ro's difference seems subtle at times, but its impact is somewhat significant during a fire-based burn. The small damage per cast it adds (500 damage per fire spell) is a semi-sizable DPS boost by the time the buff fades. It has more usage when beam kiting than raiding but it's good anyway. It's damage. 5 minutes duration and casts instantly. Reuse: 30 minutes.

- Spires are especially great when combined with Twincast. Each spire gives you a 1 minute duration buff. Using one disables them all, but recast is only 10 minutes and they will stack with any other effects you have going such as Fury of Ro.

First Spire of Arcanum (Crit %) is the "steady burn" spire.
Second Spire of Arcanum (+ Crit Damage) is the "heavy burn", "gambling" spire.
Third Spire of Arcanum (Trashfoo imo.)

Velly sez, "Which spire to use is mostly a matter of personal preference. Second Spire should always be used if Frenzied Devastation is activated because First Spire will not stack with FD's 60% crit rate. It's OK to use otherwise, but it's a risk. Sometimes, you get unlucky and don't crit at all while it's active and that means you just used it for nothing. So, generally, First Spire is prefered in most scenarios. Raid scenarios. In groups, Second Spire really shines."

- Silent Casting - The only way you're going to die when this is active is from an AE, event mechanic, or if the rest of the raid wipes on your head. Use with Twincast or you'll be tanking. Best used at start of the fight.

- Pyromancy - Since it doesn't stack with Mana Reiteration it's a really stinky raid tool but on those rare occasions there's no enchanter handy it's good to have. 1500/tick DoT on fire spell proc, 36 seconds, -60 to the mob's fire resist. If you're having bad resist problems you can run oor of the enchanter's MR aura and cast Pyro quickly and try to make it proc on the mob if your spells are just flat not hardly landing at all - to help you and the raid - but this kind of situation's extremely rare. It's really good on umm, Fabled Tunare. ... yeah.

- Force of Will is nice to do a little extra damage on the side. It crits for 3.3k at max rank and is recastible every 20 seconds. Low priority as it averages 220 theoretical DPS but since it's an AA and very fast casting you can throw it in between spellcasts and not miss a beat. Honestly though I've just found it to be really good for trash and groups - if it gets the killshot, you can get the full 800 mana boost if your Arcane Overkill is maxed.

- Focus of Arcanum reduces theoretical resist rate by 25% for 4:30 and does seem to stack with the 50% of our epic. However while Sorcerer's Guard of Perception fades in around 10 nukes, Focus of Arcanum has no cap. Recast 10 minutes. Many don't think of it as a priority. In my opinion it very much is.

Burn Strategies

Max Burn

Efficiency: VERY low, do not use without Staunch/Kiss and a ~30k mana pool or on fights that last longer than 2:30.

If for some reason you're hell-bent on showing those pesky melee that wizards are the undisputed lords of burn, and you're willing to pay attention and be ready to click a lot, you can use the following strat. I wouldn't call this recommended. On fights this short anyways, it's not a great help, it's just a great cockwave.

Start the fight with maxed Ro's Flaming Familiar up. Click epic, then Focus of Arcanum, then Fury of Ro, then Frenzied Devastation, then Silent Casting and finally Second Spire of Arcanum. Then cast Twincast and proceed to chain-casting Ethereal Combustion and Incineration until Twincast fades. You should get in, iirc, 5 casts assuming you have maxed Quick Damage.

During that phase you can do a theoretical max DPS of ~40k. It will drop off in a hurry once Twincast fades of course.

As soon as Twincast drops, click off Ro's Flaming Familiar and click on Improved Familiar. Considering this is being done mid-fight you lose approximately 700 mana from this transition but in the spirit of "I don't give a shit" it's the best thing to do for DPS.

Proceed to then chain cast Ethereal Incineration and Ethereal Iceblight, and toss in whatever mana recalling abilities you have other than Harvest until your mana pool goes "omg I hate you, 20% btw!" and then go back to the "efficiency" strat listed way above.

Typical Burn

Efficiency: Medium. This is what you typically should do.

As with all fights except ones using FD, use the Improved Familiar.
First click your epic.
Focus of Arcanum.
Fury of Ro
First Spire of Arcanum (Second if you want to but again it can be a gamble - your damage will fluxuate but has a higher max potential than First Spire)
Silent Casting
Chain Ethereal Incineration and Iceblight.

OPTIONALLY, if you have low lag and want to get fancy you can cycle Ethereal Incineration, Cloudburst Levin and Flashblaze. Both methods usually parse about the same, though this one is probably a bit more expensive. I just use instants in my twincast if I think for any reason I may be wasting the last 5 seconds of twincast trying to fit in a final Ethereal.

Efficient Burn

Click all of the above except use the Wildmagic chain strat right through twincast. I guess you could also just exchange an Ethereal for Klixcxyk's Fire but... who does that? :P Anyway, the only time I will ever do this is if Twincast is up near the very end of a fight and I'm very low on mana.


To recap, balance how much longer you think the event is going to last and your mana pool. Never stop casting unless you fear for your life, are told to stop by the RL, or are not sure whether or not nuking something is currently going to cause something bad to happen. Cluster your damage abilties for maximum effect. Do your best, and have fun watching the purdy numbers.

Questions/comments and your own battle/parse-tested strats welcome.
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Joined: 30 May 2009
Posts: 141

PostPosted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 9:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

*Applauds Velly* This is very cool! No, I'm not a wizard and no, I didn't play one on TV and no, I didn't stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night - but I am a super-huge fan of reference guides and help sheets - and helpful people - so I wanted to give my two cents and cheer you on for your time and effort!

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Joined: 03 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 10:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

^_^ Aww, thanks sugar. *huggabies*
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